I always have something to say- it may not be fully or even coherently put together or as kind and thoughtful out as I would like, but the words are there. What are your words? What words do you not have? Which ones are you searching for? How often do we still ourselves long enough to think and posture? Think about it. You could probably could (or do carry like me) an entire conversation solo. Think about your world. CARE- Confess (not the good stuff). Appreciate. Rethink. Embrace. I am not petitioning for more daydreaming; I am encouraging thoughtfulness. THINK. Thoughts always precede the mindset we hold and the very words we utter. What words do you have? Probably more than you need. What words should you have? What words are you afraid to share? What words need to be surfaced? Brought into conformance?
Quarantine-Worthy Quotes to Query Yourself and Your Friends: Set 16 of X
Updated: Nov 1, 2020