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Mentoring: Seeing, Hearing, & Serving

Writer: Millennial MMillennial M

Updated: Sep 11, 2022

Few moments eclipse in memory for personal development than those of being being seen and heard: the relief, the safety, the joy, and the jolt they produce.

Seeing and hearing. Are they the definition of mentoring? Probably not the first words that come to mind or you are familiar with, but I believe they are fairly close and the beginning of a credible and full definition. Mentoring involves seeing and hearing, but it is frequently the acting that gets praised. But, can you have serving without seeing and hearing? Maybe, but I think it may lack some sacrifice, which we are all called to do. Too frequently, we are too self-centered, too petty, and too insensitive to see beyond our own self-constructed fences to help someone in our sphere of influence. The last few weeks I have been reminded of how mentors have looked beyond themselves and reminded me that life is not about me; life is so much bigger than our set of circumstances.

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How encouraged I have felt by the extra push I have received from mentors that looked beyond their own boundaries and self-interest to correct, to care, to listen, and to invest! None of these people is perfect. Some shared the same struggles I have and had- some knew not even how to identify. And I pretty sure a good number of them had few good role models to benchmark what they did and how they felt compelled to serve. These mentors looked like they knew what they were doing and inspired me to do the same. Some did I am sure. And some probably experimented- and it worked! I used to ask the question, "how do you tell how far someone has to be the mentor?" While somewhat relevant; now, I realize that in and of itself may be the wrong question. You need to know the truth, what's right. And knowing what you have received, you share in it with others. In short, you don't have to know what you are doing to be better than you are...How many times have we bypassed an opportunity to serve feeling unqualified, unusable when we may in fact be the best spokesperson, best advocate?

As we close National Mentoring Month, without embarrassing specific individuals, I share some inspirational outcomes where mentors saw, heard, and responded with counsel. I invite you to take inventory of where you are gifted and where you want to grow. Start serving others- it takes all of "who" you are. Who knows where and to whom God might be calling you to serve, for a season or a session?

Under the counsel and care of mentors, I made some leaps that made me look like I knew what I was doing, when in fact I was just seen, heard, and served well. I:

  • let go of a relationship

  • started an investment plan

  • asked for a promotion

  • confessed a struggle

  • tried a new church

  • confronted a friend

  • wrote out my life story

  • prayed through specific giving opportunities

  • attended a professional conference for my own personal development and networking

  • started a new relationship

  • submitted a resignation

  • entered in an industry competition

  • started this blog

As you may notice, a number of these pushes came in my professional life. It's an area I love to look back on the faithfulness and providence of God. Next month, I endeavor to share some of the innerworkings I have learned and am learning professionally. What and where can you mentor someone? Join the #QuedUpConversation. #GearsInMotion with My Voice My Journey drops next month.


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